Monday, July 12, 2010

Sundries 2: Electric Boogaloo


-More coherently, my plan for the day is this: Continue boxing and packing things, shower, take the boxes to FedEx (hooray granny cart!), hit Walgreen's for wee wee pads, and then CLEAN ALL THE THINGS.

Gee, when I put it like that, it seems almost doable. @_@

-A car full of people dressed as zombies crashed on Interstate 84 near downtown Portland on Friday, causing initial confusion by people who witnessed the crash (h/t Bart_Calendar)

-Being queer is not new. These pictures are amaaaazing. (h/t Supergee)

-There's a youtube vid in this link that I love. That is how you do a sexual violence prevention PSA.

-This essay, entitled "You people and your quaint little categories: Torchwood, Castle, Psych and modern male sexuality" is made of win, cheez-its, glitter, and awesome.

-I'd only seen the first image, but here are several photos of Lady Gaga in man drag. My love for her continues.

-Also, here is a
great essay about why she's great.

-Live near York, PA and in the market for a dog? I have it on good authority that she's a winner. OMG LOOKIT THAT FACE. She also has her Canine Good Citizen certification, so you know she'll be a good dog.

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